Multimodal Pedagogies

 Dear all, 

For the following class session, please read "Practical and theoretical articulations between multimodal pedagogy and an intercultural orientation to second/foreign language education" (Álvarez Valencia, in press) and "A multimodal social semiotic approach" (Stein, 2008).

Taken from Google Images,


My main aim with this following activity is facilitate your understanding of multimodal pedagogies at the practical level through the use of different semiotic resources. 


1. Based on the two readings, conceptualize what you find is the essence of multimodal pedagogies through an image. You can draw it or look for it online. 

2. After choosing or drawing your image, go to and record a 3-4 minute- message explaining why you picked the image and what it means in relation to multimodal pedagogies. 

3. Post the links to your picture and recording below. If you decide to draw, you will have to upload the image to your Google Drive and them generate a link so that you can post it here. Vocaroo will generate a link after you record your voice.

4. Please, make you post before 3:00 pm on Monday and comment on the posts of at least two classmates. From 80 to 100 words each comment. 

Grade scheme:

1. Punctuality of publication (0.5 point)

2. Conceptual Appropriation (3.0 points)

3. Meaningful comments to two classmates' posts (1.5)

Let me know of you have any questions or require technical support!!!


  1. -DRAWING:


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Kevin Zapata
      Sem. Pedagogy II-01 (Andrés Valencia)

      It was a good exercise. I used to do those line drawings when I was in High school... :)
      I do agree with your proposal, monomodal pedagogies limit the creativity and proposals that students may have in relation to what "the learning process" should be. For example, at this point of my life I analyse my development in secondary school and I realise that I had a wrong idea of what "learning for life" was. Unfortunately monomodal pedagogy has been standardised in the current education system.
      Multimodal pedagogy, on the other hand, as you represented it by the drawing, allows students to explore and create on their own. It is a bridge that connects students to what they really like to do and are passionate about, without them seeing it as a burden, as we are all different.

      Good Job!

    3. Hi Camila!
      I loved the way you represented multimodal pedagogy. The bridge to the world showing all its diversity is one of the most revealing things that I liked the most in your drawing. I agree when you say that texts are one of the ways we can access knowledge and yet the current educational system continues to use it as if it were the only one that can be used ignoring all the diversity and all the ways of learning that students have. Great job! :)

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Faubricio Trullo
      Sem. Pedagogy II-01 (Andrés Valencia)

      Hello, Camila!

      I believe that this drawing is a clear representation, on the one hand of the reality in which the educational system finds itself, and on the other hand the progress and the achievements that arise from efforts such as those of this type of activity. I am very struck by the question marks in the first scenario, because from my perspective I think it points not to the lack of identity (everyone has an identity independently of anything else), but to the non-recognition of it.

      Great job!

    6. I loved your drawing, Camila. I think it is a very good visual representation of what monomodal and multimodal pedagogy are. Personally, I relate your drawing of monomodal pedagogy to the education I received in my public high school. There, the classes revolved around copying what there was in the board, like this to the giant piece of paper your drawing. The only class that I remember with love was the first one we had in a laboratory for our Chemistry class because we learned not only through oral or written instruction, but with different activities and experiences that made learning actually fun. I consider that one class an example of multimodal pedagogy for me, and your drawing made we think about that.

    7. Hi Faubricio, you're absolutely right about the question marks. The lacking of recognition of each one identity doesn't mean that they don't have one. It is innerent and doesn't depends on the others. Thank you for making me realize that and for your nice comment :)

    8. Salut, Camille!

      Quiero decirte que la manera en que abordaste el contrastede esos dos mundos distintos del aprendizaje me pareció muy valioso, además deexplicarnos muy bien en qué consiste básicamente la pedagogía multimodal fuistecapaz de analizar de manera crítica los muchos beneficios que nos permite la pedagogíamultimodal en comparación al sistema “monomodal” que tanto nos restringe. Finalmente,debo mencionar que me parece que tienes un talento muy interesante para la ilustracióny que  es muy bonito como te fijaste enlos detalles para darles un significado profundo Jnunca me hubiera imaginado que esas rayitas en el suelo fueran uñas y quefueran tan algo tan representativo.

      Gracias por compartir tu creatividad.

    9. Thank you, guys, for all your beautiful comments!! :3 ♡

    10. Hi Camila, I really liked the way you addresed this topic, it was so clear the way you really nailed it. Monomodal vs multimodal is a clear critic to old pedagogy and pedagogical practices that didn't let us grow as person, to take into account our personality, identity and practices to build a proper learning environment. Nowadays we have access to this knowledge and new teachers are emerging, we are wide open to a world of new possibilities in order to construct new pedagogical practices that allow students develop their skills and potentialize it to be useful in the world.


  2. Image:

    1. Faubricio Trullo
      Sem. Pedagogy II-01 (Andrés Valencia)

      Hello, Johnny!

      I agree with your position, where the uniqueness of each student is a central aspect of pedagogical logic. Thus, each individual within the class is part of a process of cultural exchange that transcends language, and considers other aspects such as those you mentioned.
      Also, I think that the relationship you present between the uniqueness of students and the need to use different semiotic resources is quite accurate: if the educational population is diverse, so should our resources.

      Very good work, Johnny!

    2. Hi, Johnny!
      I really liked the image that you chose to represent multimodal pedagogies and that uniqueness and diversity that each student brings to the classroom. I also liked that you mentioned the need to create a multimodal environment in today's education that aligns with the many different ways in which students learn and co-exist in a classroom. I think your explanation was great and shows the understanding that you now have about this topic.
      Well done!

    3. Thank you, Fau and Isabella. I appreciate the fact you guys consider the diversity such an important characteristic in multimodal pedagogy, Faubricio wrote "if the educational population is diverse, so should our resources" and I think that is the perfect way to represent the need of a diverse system where everybody should feel included.

  3. Image:

    1. ¡Hola, Luis!
      Me gustó mucho el concepto que usaste del árbol como imagen de la pedagogía multimodal. De hecho, siento que tiene bastante sentido, ya que, así como un árbol está situado en un terreno específico, con un clima determinado y con personas que pueden cuidarlo, destruirlo, o simplemente ignorarlo, lo mismo pasa con la pedagogía; esta no siempre es la misma en todos lados ni igual para todos, sin dejar de ser lo que es.
      En cuanto a lo que dijiste de las ramas, me gusta mucho cómo lo relacionas con los distintos modos y recursos semióticos que se pueden usar en un salón de clase, ya que es muy importante saber que no todos aprenden de la misma manera. Por tal motivo, hay que permitir diferentes opciones que puedan adaptarse de la mejor forma a cada estudiante, teniendo en cuenta su individualidad, su compromiso y su historia personal.
      Súper bien.

    2. Gracias Camila, me agrada el hecho que me hayas entendido, que te haya gustado el concepto del árbol y que estés de acuerdo con la importancia de la diversidad. También quiero decirte que tienes toda la razón, las personas son las responsables del árbol y ellas verán qué hacen con él, me agradó mucho tu comentario.

  4. Drawing:

    1. ¡Muy buen trabajo! Me encantó tu dibujo, sobre todo el hecho de que tu misma lo hicieras. El que hayas añadido los dibujos y los demás recursos, como los colores y conceptos, es justamente la forma de transmitir a tu manera exactamente lo que entendiste de los textos. Me gusta tu explicación del dibujo, estoy de acuerdo contigo sobre la importancia de las pedagogías multimodales pues nos permiten expresarnos por medio de los diferentes modos y lo importante que es tener en cuenta en ellos toda la diversidad de los estudiantes, sobre todo sus experiencias diarias, como lo resaltas, para que se sientan seguros y puedan expresar sus sentimientos.

    2. Hi, Luisa!! I really love your drawing. With the kids doing differents activities as drawing, painting, singing and dancing you represented pretty well the essence of multimodal pedagogy, because we can see how each student has a different capacity and motivations. But no matter which mode is used, the important think is that they are meaning makers. I also agree with what you mentioned about students' daily experiences, because it is so important to recognize that for a meaningful learning, it is necessary to take into account the students' reallities.

    3. Hi Luisa, I really like your drawing, it's so cute. I think you got the essence of the multimodal pedagogies when you say they give us different ways of expressing ourselves and our feelings. Also, I didn't remember of the student's daily experiences as something important to express through the multimodal strategies, thanks for bringing that out, it is another remarkable idea. I feel you got the main idea of the multimodal pedagogies and that's seen on the elements you put on your drawing and your explanation. Good job!
      -Alejandra Charry Torres

    4. Hi Luisa,
      I could not listen to your audio. It says it has expired!! Anyways, when I see your drawing, I feel I get a very good vibe of what muñltimodal pedagogies. The drawing is colorful, people are happy and there is music. Students are moving so the body is important in this idea of pedagogies. This is a very nice representation of MP since I think learning happens through embodiment. Our body learns at the same time our brain is doing it. They are not set apart.

    5. Hi, Alejandra, thanks for your comment on my post. It's wonderful that you have understood what I wanted transmit with my drawing. It's exactly what you said, I mainly wanted highlight the big importance of daily experiences.

    6. Hi, Cami, It's awesome that you have recognized exactly what I wanted to transmit, the use of a multimodal pedagogy as a tool to know that each student is different. Thanks for your comment :)

    7. Teacher, It's awesome that you have noticed the happiness that I wanted to transmit through my drawing. I relate happiness with multimodal pedagogies because when I was in high school there had a teacher who implemented this mode of teaching, it was my favorite class, so I wanted to show my own experienced.

      Teacher, I don't know why you can't listen to the audio, I have just opened it and there is not a problem.

    8. Luis, thanks for your comment, I am pretty happy that you liked my drawings :) and it's pretty important for me that you have understood the importance that I wanted to give to daily experiences.

    9. Hi, Luisa, I really loved your drawing, you showed us our social practices are meaningful to build our identity as meaning makers. It's true every student shows his/her story and meaning. You have tallent to draw and paint, it's very colorful. You are right, we are all connected in our systems, our body, our mind, our whole complex system and that's why these differencies let us know ourself better, build and learn in a way we become meaning makers.


  5. Image:

    1. Sem. Pedagogy II-01 (Andrés Valencia)

      Hi kev!
      That you have represented multimodal pedagogy as a footprint is a good way to give it a meaning because from my point of view, on the one hand, that is what multimodal pedagogy seeks, to adapt to the students and let them decide what is their best way to learn and on the other hand that teachers are aware of the diversity that exists in the classroom and exploit that for the benefit of all in a more dynamic and personalized way to the classroom. Very well done!

    2. Sem. Pedagogy II-01 (Andrés Valencia)


      Me pareció bastante interesante tu imagen, los colores y la interpretación que se le puede dar. De otra parte, estoy de acuerdo contigo con respecto a que todos somos únicos en nuestra propia forma, es por esto que la pedagogía se debe adaptar y buscar nuevos recursos y formas de llegar a sus estudiantes. Es importantes que los profesores conozcan la realidad de sus estudiantes, que todos son diversos y que en el salón de clases tienen un mismo objetivo pero no la misma forma de llegar. De este modo, considero que la pedagogía cuenta actualmente con muchos recursos como fuente de conocimiento y darle a los estudiantes la libertad de escoger de que forma podrían aprender. ¡Excelente imagen y audio! :)

  6. Faubricio Trullo
    Sem. Pedagogy II-01 (Andrés Valencia)


    1. Hi, Fau!
      To me, your image and your explanation represent perfectly the essence of multimodal pedagogies. I love how you used two very different landscapes (the pre-designed buildings and the one created by hand) to represent that contrast between monomodal and multimodal pedagogies and how those two leave impacts in our identities and ways of learning. I also love how you used color and the lack of it as a co-protagonist to explain your understanding. I can tell how much thought and dedication went into making your drawing and your explanation connect as a perfect match.
      Good job! :)

    2. Hola, Faubricio:) Considero que la imagen que utilizas para representar la diferencia entre pedagogía multimodal y tradicional es bastante adecuada. Se entiende cómo la multimodalidad expande los horizontes y la búsqueda de significados. Quiero agregar que es interesante la conceptualización que haces sobre la existencia de una identidad, pero la falta de conocimiento acerca de ella; cómo es probable que en ocasiones se corte nuestra subjetividad por culpa de lo estricto que puede ser un ambiente.
      Gracias por compartir <3

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Hola Faubricio. Me encantó mucho la imagen que empleaste en este ejercicio, pues es un claro ejemplo sobre una pedagogía que busca ir mas allá, que le permite tanto a los estudiantes como a los docentes desarrollar ideas diferentes, a resolver sus propias situaciones de manera mucho más libre todo lo contrario a la pedagogía tradicional, la cual en sí no se preocupa por conocer el verdadero ser de cada persona. Es muy importante reconocer el pluralismo dentro de nuestro contexto cultural.
      Gracias por tu aporte.

    5. Hello, Isa! Thank you for your comment. I think the color is a strong element in any kind of composition, and for me it represents the essence of each thing; that being said, the usage of a certain color palette seemed to me a good way to transmit a message: the identity is always in each one of us, but it might be suppressed or ignored.

      Again, thanks for your comment :)

    6. Hola Karen! Gracias por tu comentario. Creo que parte importante de la pedagogía multimodal es, por un lado, la construcción de significado, y por otro, el reconocimiento de una identidad dentro de cada individuo. Creo que ambos aspectos van de la mano, y aprecio mucho que hayas notado el rol fundamental del color en ambos escenarios.

      Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de comentar :)

  7. Image:


    1. Hi, Isa. Amazing job! I think that you are very correct about the definition you gave. I believe that integration begins with the acceptance of the background of everyone, seeing where they are coming from and analyzing how the mode in which they were brought up affects their realities. This is very important because it allows teachers to understand what approach to take that being the multi-modes available (music, reading, visual resources, etc.). Also, when we recognize the diversity in the classroom we create a safe space for developing and creating new meaning and that is something that we can agree is very important.

    2. Valentina Zapata: Hola Isabella, me gustaron mucho tus ideas ya que van dirigidas hacia alcanzar un aprendizaje significativo y la imagen muestra diversos recursos que van en concordancia con este objetivo. En tu audio amplias tus ideas con las que estoy completamente de acuerdo porque los ejemplos que das sobre aplicaciones de la pedagogía multimodal son bastante apropiados ya que tienes en cuenta el bagaje, la cultura y la diversidad de cada uno de los estudiantes, donde el profesor y los compañeros de clase tiene un rol activo en la construcción del conocimiento, relacionando este con el contexto, no dando información y conocimiento aislada del mundo en que viven los estudiantes.

    3. I strongly agree with you, the classroom is a very diverse place where we can find students with different backgrounds that shape the way they learn. That is the reason why multimodal pedagogy is relevant and should be taken into account when we think about education nowadays. I think it was very interesting when you said the true essence of multimodal pedagogy is to take everyone into account in our classroom, it is a very beautiful way to express the main idea of it and that is why I think your reflection is very important and is one of the reflections we all should get with this exercise.

    4. thank u, guys, for the comments and good feedback! I think it's really interesting how even though we all are different, we still agree with the fact that multimodal pedagogies is something extremetly beneficial to implement in a classroom; I think this says a lot about our previous education and how we recognize that education can be changed in a good way.

  8. Picture

    Jose Avila

    1. Hola Jose,
      Tienes razón que normalmente, en nuestro contexto, suele ser unimodal. En mi experiencia escolar también he tenido muchos profesores que tienen este tipo de pedagogía; Sin embargo, también existen los pocos, como el que mencionas tuviste la oportunidad de ver con él, que utilizan la multimodalidad y sacan todo el provecho de los estudiantes. Me gusta que el conocimiento sea compartido y se aproveche la diversidad como lo mencionas al final, que expresemos nuestros conocimientos en nuestros propios modos de manera crítica.

    2. Hi, Jose, I really like the picture that you used to represent multimodal pedagogy, it depicts the sharing of knowledge, and this makes me remember the importance that this has in the text “Multimodal Pedagogies in Diverse Classrooms”. There the teacher shows the relevance of students sharing their points of view, although these be different, doing this encourages a culture of talking rather than fighting. Besides, some problems look impossible to solve, but in a community and through discussion solutions always appear.

  9. Juan Camilo Muñoz



    1. Hola, Camilo:)
      Me parece muy interesante y creativa (y chistoso) la forma en la que representaste la pedagogía multimodal, no había pasado por mi cabeza nada parecido. Es una buena analogía la de la red: cómo, al compartir recursos semióticos, creamos nuevos significados que pueden ser más beneficiosos para nosotros.
      ¡Buen trabajo!

    2. Hi, Camilo
      I really enjoyed your story telling, in my opinion it is one of the most creative representations of the Multimodal Pedagogies. It was very interesting to connect the drawing with the idea of cultural exchange that you described as a mutually beneficial exchange and as a way to enrich the ideas that a person already has. I can easily draw a line between your story and how a classroom should look if the multimodal pedagogies are implemented. In this case, teaching is not about "doing what the teacher asks'' but to use the information given to create something new, to become a meaning-maker.

      Great job! Thank you.

    3. Hola, Camilo<3
      Primero que nada, me parece que la forma en la que lograste plasmar tus reflexiones con respecto a la lectura es muy completa, creativa, ingeniosa y pertinente y amé la historieta. Además de ello, tu explicación fue bastante clara y realmente me ayudó a conectar la historieta con temas abarcados las lecturas asignadas que pueden ser difíciles de ejemplificar. Es importante, entonces, tener claro que la comunicación intercultural nos ayuda considerablemente a construir nuestra percepción del mundo y la percepción de nosotros mismos y así, involucrarnos más en nuestro proceso académico.

      ¡Muy buen desarrollo del ejercicio!

    4. Hello Camilo and Karen, Juan, Daniela and María Fernanda,
      I totally agree with your comments and positive comments about Camilo's representation of multimodal pedagogies. I really liked that through his comic we could connect many other concepts discussed in class such as those of Freire and Giroux concerning the semiotic resources of students need to be integrated in the classroom and employed as resources for knowledge development. This is exactly what Camilo and all of you have done. You drew on two readings to design a multimodal text. Some used images some other drawings or comics as you did. And you did it because drawing seems to be a semiotic resources that is familiar to you. I agree with you that a great emphasis of MP is culture and interculturality as you exemplify. Very nice job!

    5. Hi. Mafe, Juan Felipe, Karen, Professor and "Unkanown".

      Thank you for your comments, I'm happy that you understood the story and the meaning behind it. I find it interesting how much easier it is to explain something with a story, because you connect more deeply with your audience. That was my goal and I'm pleased with the result.


  10. Image:

    1. Hola Karen. Tu representación es impresionante, me gustó muchísimo al igual que tu opinión acerca de la motivación que deben de tener los estudiantes, estoy muy de acuerdo contigo; los estudiantes deben mostrar su verdadero ser sin miedo a nada, deben arriesgarse y demostrar sus habilidades en el ámbito educacional. Cada persona es diferente, cada persona tiene ideas, habilidades y gustos totalmente diferentes; por ende, los docentes deben tener en cuenta todos y cada uno de estos puntos y usarlos a favor durante su proceso de enseñanza, al igual que los diferentes intercambios culturales que se pueden desarrollar durante el proceso y que también son de muchísima ayuda.

      Gracias por tu aporte.


    2. Valentina Zapata: Hello Karen, I really loved your image. I think it represent pretty well the essence of multimodal pedagogies because you put a lot of symbols related to identity, culture and all that make us unique individuals, this categories are very important for us as future teachers because taking them into account will allow us to do and enriching job with all the students that we are going to encounter.

    3. Hola Karen
      me parece muy importante el punto que haces de que cada estudiante en encuentre su propia voz, en mi opinión una de los aspectos más relevantes de las pedagogías multimodal es que dejan a los estudiantes expresarse y encontrar su propia voz, al mismo tiempo que exploran, reflexionan y reflejan sus identidades en el mundo, haciéndolos más fuertes y críticos, algo que me parece que tu imagen refleja muy bien.

    4. Hi, Kare. You did an amazing job at expressing the essence of what multimodal pedagogy is, I believe that what you mentioned about gender, race, etc. Is a key factor to multimodal teaching, because to use different resources we first have to be in a diverse environment; and as was mentioned in the text, we not only have to cope with the differences and subjectivities of people, but also have to embrace them and see how we can use tem build a better world around them.

    5. Faubricio Trullo
      Sem. Pedagogy II-01

      I think the poster, as you call it in your explanation, is a clear representation of the plurality that exists in each individual. I feel that when you mention not only the existence of different subjectivities, but their coexistence, you point to the recognition of the unique identity of each being that exists, but that is usually ignored in the classroom. I think the composition portrays the variety of aspects that can compose a person, and at the same time you take up a key aspect in multimodal pedagogy.

      Great job, Karen :)

    6. ¡Hola a todes! Muchas gracias por sus comentarios:) y por hacerme saber cómo piensan sobre mi conceptualización. Veo que tenemos muchas cosas en común, me gustaría poder hablar más con ustedes al respecto y conocer, igualmente, sus ideas sobre el tema.

  11. Drawing:

    1. María, the Google drive file has the access blocked.

  12. Painting:

    1. Dear Valentina,
      I truly enjoyed looking at your painting and then listening to your explanation of it. I appreciate that you had decided to design the image yourself. It makes a lot of sense. The colors add a lot to the idea of diversity and the fact that students' bubbles are connected imply dialogue of knowledge. The tone and the faces of the teacher and students represent the environment that we all hope to build in a classroom space. I liked the idea of teachers as facilitators of the development of students' souls and critical thinking. I think this can happen in all disciplines including language education. Thank for your this text.

    2. Thank you! I agree with you, a lot of people have this conception of classrooms and teachers as boring, as a duty. But I wanted to represent what happen in a classroom where the teacher is enjoying her job, uses multimodal pedagogies and allow students to share their ideas.

  13. Natalia Lozada Perdomo
    Sem. Pedagogy II-01 (Andrés Valencia)


    1. Valentina Zapata: Hola Natalia, me parece que la imagen que elegiste es bastante apropiada para representar lo que es la pedagogía multimodal, ya que en esta imagen podemos ver como el conocimiento y las ideas de toda la comunidad están interrelacionadas y al mismo tiempo son diferentes. Como futuras profesoras debemos reconocer estas diferencias y diseñar nuestras clases respondiendo a las necesidades de nuestros estudiantes y proporcionarles herramientas a través de distintas modalidades puesto que reconocemos y celebramos la identidad e individualidad de cada una y uno de nuestros estudiantes.

    2. Hola! Me gusta mucho que desde el inicio resaltes la importancia de la diferencia entre los procesos de aprendizaje de todos, y también que nos invites a reconocer que hay procesos educativos que están siendo mal ejecutados en nuestra sociedad y llamarnos la atención para que no hagamos parte de ese problema. Estoy de acuerdo en que la interacción es uno de los métodos de enseñanza más importantes para cualquier entorno educativo, porque esto implica el descubrimiento del ser no solo para sí mismo sino también de manera social.

  14. Valentina Zapata
    Sem. Pedagogy II-01 (Andrés Valencia)


    1. Hi Valentina.
      Your painting was really good, I think that what you said about the teacher recognizing their colors and their students', and the importance that you gave in the painting on the role of the teacher, as guide to enrishment of the soul of the students and critical thinking through multimodal modes, with the students being active participants in the classroom and in the learning experience.

    2. Gabriel Londoño:
      Hey, Valentina. I really like your painting, not only you get to grasp what a multimodal teaching method is but you actually apply it into this activity. It is very creative. I love how you are able to show how multimodal pedagogy impacts in a positive manner the students, making them as a fundamental part in class through an active learning manner. you also showed how important and the responsibility us, as future teacher, have with our students to have a true impact in their lives.

    3. Hola, Valentina. Muy buen ejercicio y qué lindo cómo te tomaste el tiempo para hacer una pintura. Al igual que tú, pienso que el trabajo de los profesores, nuestro futuro, no debe limitarse simplemente a dar los temas de un currículo (y peor aun, de la forma más sencilla posible), sino enlazar la vida de los estudiantes, sus experiencias y contextos, de tal manera que los atrape y se sientan amenos en un aula de clase.
      Muchas gracias por compartir:)

    4. Hi there, Valentina.

      Your visual representation of multimodal pedagogy is very complete, and involves aspects such as the invisible curriculum and socialization in the classroom; elements that are extremely relevant from this perspective. I think it’s very interesting how you approach linguistic knowledge and pose it as an excuse to come up with a human and cognitive construction. Finally, I think the cultural diversity of the classroom and the socialization processes were very well portrayed.

      Excellent work, Valen!

  15. Santiago Arias.
    Sem. Pedagogy II-01 (Andrés Valencia)

    Recording :

    1. Sem. Pedagogy II-01 (Andrés Valencia)

      Hola, Santiago.
      Me gusto el gif y la explicación que presentas con respecto a los objetos y la representación de los colores con respecto a la diversidad, me gusta mucho ese enfoque. Es bastante interesante la forma en la que dices que podemos encontrar gran variedad de herramientas para enseñar, también el hecho de las estrategias que se pueden usar para hacer más interesantes las clases. Estoy de acuerdo contigo en que debemos mejorar el sistema educativo antiguo y darle más paso a estas nuevas tecnologías, estrategias y diversidad en las aulas de clase.

      ¡Buen trabajo!

    2. Sem. Pedagogy II-01 (Andrés Valencia)

      Hola, Santiago

      Creo que lograste plasmar muy bien tus ideas en la imagen que creaste, definitivamente estoy de acuerdo contigo en que el trabajo multimodal hace que el proceso de aprendizaje sea más ameno e incluso puede llevarnos a la reflexión de lo que estamos haciendo o de porqué lo estamos haciendo. Cuando mencionaste la diversidad presente en el salón de clases, se me vino a la mente que igualmente aprendo mucho viendo los trabajo multimodales de mis compañeros, porque siempre muestran otras perspectivas. Lastimosamente no es una estrategia que se vea mucho en el sistema educativo, al menos por mi parte no tuve la oportunidad de estar en contacto con esta metodología en mis clases de colegio, así que concuerdo en que sea aplicado en nuestro sistema educativo convencional.

  16. image:

    Gabriel Alberto Londoño Gómez.

    1. image:

      Gabriel Alberto Londoño Gómez.
      Sem. Pedagogy II-01 (Andrés Valencia)

  17. Alejandro Pulido Lopez

    Sem. Pedagogy II-01 (Andrés Valencia)


    1. Hi Alejandro, I think using hobbys as an example of multimodal pedagogy is a great way to demonstrate how important it can be in a student's educational process and even their personal growth as people. These personal activities, sharing them and even partaking in them in a class I think would definitely help meaning making and enrich the culture of each student in the classroom

    2. Thank you, Juan Pablo. I agree with you. The spectrum of possibilities to apply multimodal pedagogies is so vast, all it takes for us as teachers is to ignite the spark inside every single one of our students

  18. Daniela Pedroza


    1. Daniela Pedroza (Pedagogy II - Jóse Aldemar Álvarez)


    2. Gabriel Londoño:
      hey, Daniela.
      I really appreciate how you are able to synthesize the texts in your image. Also I really like the concept of seeing teacher as a cultural mediator, since that allow the students to really grow in knowledge. Teacher, as pedagogues, should show have the capability of not only teacher their area of expertise but also should have the capacity to generously contribute to the formation of its students as participative and critical people in a society.
      As well as, I truly like the enfasis that you are able to show when it comes to the different types of intelligence and the way students learn and appropriate new knowledge since not every student is equal.
      very good job!

    3. Helloo, Daniela!
      First off, what a creative way to represent the multimodal pedaogy! Quite nice!
      Likewise, I consider that your explanation has been carried out flawlessly and all those things that you brought up are rather relevant and meangninful to our discussion. I agree with you when it comes to thinking that the multimodal pedagogy can be addressed in any learning environment. Besides, just like you, I think that a multimodal pedagogy must enable students to get across their cultural backgrounds, beliefs and standpoints and all the ideas, proposals and opinions are important and valid.
      Well done! <3

    4. Jhan Quintero.

      Hi, Daniela! I want to highlight that you did a beautiful design, really meaningful. That was a really good way to make it easier to understand the different concepts that we could find in the readings. Also, I liked how you include different arts, I know that you love dancing and I understand how important are artistic expressions to you. I agree with you because the learning process is not only a specific class in a specific classroom, it is a process in which multimodality can take an important place.

    5. Hello, Gabriel

      Thank you so much for you comment, I really agree with the interpretation that you made of my production, when you mentioned the different kinds of intelligence it made me remember my pedagogy classes during high school, that was so nice !

    6. Hi, Mafe
      Thank you for you apreciation, it was really meaningful to read you and see how you understood what I wanted to represent with my image.

    7. Hi, Jhan
      Thanks a lot for your comment, it was lovely to read you and see how you got a ver personal idea of me in my image, that was amazing.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Valentina Zapata: Hola Mafe, me encanta el dibujo ¡esta hermoso! me parece una representación muy creativa ya que relaciona la pedagogía multimodal con la libertad, el gozo y la autonomía del estudiante que esta volando la cometa. Con respecto a lo que dices, es cierto, el profesor tiene un rol importante para que ayude al estudiante a "volar la cometa" este, debe proporcionarle con los elementos que dibujaste dentro de la cometa, que se pueden resumir en pluralidad y diversidad, lo que para mi es una forma muy adecuada de establecer el vinculo estudiante-profesor, en donde el segundo propone actividades usando los diversos modos que propone y obteniendo diversos resultados que enriquecen el "ser" de cada estudiante.

  20. Alejandra Charry Torres


    1. Hi Alejandra, I really liked how you envisioned multimodal pedagogies as a fun trip, an adventure to be had in the classroom although not limited to its four walls but explorative on its own. I think it's really creative and optimistic towards the future of education, but i don't know if drawing traditional typographic pedagogy as a straight and efective line is completely accurate, since I think we can agree it is not enough to learn effectively. Just my 2 cents!

    2. Hi, Alejandra, what I like the most about your image was the meaning that you gave to all the different roads. Each one gets to arrive at the goal, even though they are completely different (in color, in shape). These represent the trip that students have to run to create meaning. Your picture also represents what I understood about multimodal pedagogies, these are pretty related to social semiotics and the creation of meaning, not just its reproduction as old pedagogies.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Hi guys, thanks for your comments, I really appreciate you saw my image and listened to my explanation. You really got the idea I wanted to portray and I'm glad you liked what I created :)

  21. Sem. Pedagogy II-01(Andrés Valencia)

    Hola :-)

    Muy interesante la comparación que haces entre el antes y después, no todas las generaciones tuvieron las mismas herramientas o recursos para obtener y/o aprender conocimiento. También considero que es increíble el uso de herramientas multimodales en la actualidad, ya que nos han ayudado mucho con la evolución y estrategias que podemos usar en el momento de compartir lo que pensamos y creemos sobre ciertos aspectos. Todo esto ha podido impactar de manera positiva en nuestra vida académica y social, permitiéndonos comunicarnos de una manera más rápida y efectiva. Considero que algo bastante diciente de nuestra sociedad actual es que somos bastante visuales y con esto se facilita la comprensión de muchos temas como el entender un concepto.

  22. María Fernanda Zapata Cruz. Sem. Pedagogy II-01 (Andrés Valencia)


    1. Hola, María.
      Tu explicación es muy llamativa. Hablas con mucha propiedad del tema y explicas de forma clara. Igualmente, resalto el dibujo tan bonito que hiciste y, en especial, la justificación que tiene cada elemento.
      ¡Muy buen trabajo!<3

    2. Hello, Mafe.

      Your drawing is a very clear representation of multimodal pedagogy, but beyond that, it shows the network of logics that involve not only the student, but also the teachers and the pedagogical model itself. The analysis depicted on the kite gives an view of the variety of elements that compose an individual, and the its link with the student demonstrates that those can be used to achieve educational goals, that also can be part of the day-to-day at school.

      Great job!

    3. Hey, Karen, Valentina and Faubricio :). I wholeheartedly appreciate all your comments since they show that I succedded in portraying what I wanted. I also find rather meaningful your reflexions to our discussions and thank you for valuing my work <3

    4. Amiga! Me parece que hiciste un trabajo muy hermoso, se nota que te tomaste el tiempo de interiorizar los conceptos y aplicarlos a nuestra realidad, aprecio mucho que siempre le pongas tanto corazón y esfuerzo a todo lo que haces. Me parece muy curiosa y acertada la manera en que representaste aspectos básicos fundamentales en la pedagogía multimodal como lo es la cometa que simboliza todos aspectos sociales y culturales que constituyen la individualidad de cada uno. Muy interesante.

      ¡Sigue siendo así de creativa y juiciosa!

      Leslie <3

  23. Image:


    1. Hi! I think that Youtube in general is a goldmine of interesting material and also a form of expression for thousands of content creators that have innovated in order to create fun and engaging content. I also think that Oversimplified is one of those good examples of this kind of pedagogy because these are the type of explanations that we will want to keep in our minds for a topic that, presente in other ways, we may find boring and exhausting. I love that you remark the importance of treasuring knowledge and sharing it through innovative ways. This is the way to go: theory presented like that

    2. Hi Juan Pablo,
      history is usually a heavy subject because it cover a lot of content with factual information, names, dates and so on. I think multimodal texts have helped a lot subjects like this through videos, visual timelines and narratives that make it more digestible. In the case of the video you presents and any other topic in history many connections with the cultural dimensions can be made. It seems that the essence of multimodal pedagogies for you is the possibility of representing contents in other formats and thus go beyond the typographic view. Did I get your point?

    3. Hi Juan Pablo, I really like the video, it was so funny and informative. I think it is a good example of the multimodal pedagogies and by choosing it you have shown you got the essence of the topic. I think the video is so complete to exemplify multimodal pedagogies because while it teaches about history and culture, it keeps your attention centered and makes you feel interested on the topic (at some point, I forgot why was I watching it). Good choice!
      -Alejandra Charry Torres

    4. Indeed it is professor, also, how multimedal pedagogies are always fun and I think that's an extremely important part. I'm glad there are other people who know the video like the first answer and really glad Alejandra went ahead and watched it! I do agree the greatest accomplishement of that video is how it keeps you entertained and interested while learning at the same time.

  24. Hellen Ruiz


    1. Hola, Hellen. :D

      Es una imagen simple, pero bastante diciente me gustan bastante los protagonistas en ella. Es bastante interesante que pienses en la diversidad y la importancia de que todos se sientan integrados al momento de recibir conocimiento, estoy de acuerdo que se debe tener un propósito educativo en el que se les permita a los estudiantes poder interactuar y aprender desde sus capacidades, sintiéndose cómodos y mucho más comprendidos. Al usar diferentes herramientas (multimodales) como se ve en la imagen se logra llevar un gran mensaje y destacar que la pedagogía no es solamente impartir una clase y memorizar.

    2. Dear Hellen, thank you for this illustration of multimodal pedagogies. I appreciate that you do engage with major concepts in MP such as students' voices, building knowledge together, cultural capital, diversity and democracy. These are very relevant terms in MP. I can see the picture you picked shows children in a happy environment. I liked that, but it caught my attention that the picture is black and white and there is not color in it. Is there a reason why you did not use colors? Thanks

  25. Hello, Juan
    I find your representation of multimodal pedagogies very interesting because of the focus you give to technology especially in communication, it is something I had not thought about when I made my representation. I think your image represents very well the way in which multimodality facilitates interaction and exchange and allows the implementation of multimodal pedagogies. It reminds me of the part of Valencia's text that emphasizes that although technology is one of the tools that makes multimodality possible, it is not the only way in which a teacher can implement multimodality in the classroom.

    Good job, thank you!

  26. Sem. Pedagogy II-01 (Andrés Valencia)


    1. Hellen Ruiz

      Hola, Laurita

      Me pareció muy pertinente que abordaras el tema de la situación actual que todos estamos viviendo, creo que al menos esta situación nos permitió explorar un poco más sobre este campo, explorar las herramientas que podemos utilizar para que el conocimiento sea accesible para todos y encontrar la manera de que se haga de manera satisfactoria teniendo en cuentas las posibilidades y limitaciones de cada uno. Toda tu reflexión me gustó mucho, realmente me parece interesante todas esas maneras por las cuales podemos expresar nuestra inteligencia y me parece excelente que así mismo las tengamos en cuenta y las hagamos parte dentro del salón de clase.

    2. Juan Felipe, gracias por tu observación, y sí me gusta mucho hablar sobre diferentes tipos de inteligencias porque esto demuestra que no existe solo una forma de llegar al conocimiento.

    3. Hellen, gracias por escuchar mi audio :)

      Me pareció pertinente mencionar nuestra situación actual y como esta nos ha permitido avanzar un poco con respecto a la pedagogía multimodal. También, es realmente importante que nosotros como profesores podamos analizar diferentes tipos de estrategias y saber que funciona para todos y que no.

  27. Leslie Calvache Ortiz - Sem. Pedagogy II-01 (Andrés Valencia)


    1. Hello Leslie, I could not access your collage because there is not permission to open it. However, I listened to your audio and tried to imagine your image. For your description and I can see that you developed a complete conceptualization of MP. I like that you highlighted identity as a central aspect of MP. Yes, as you say the classroom becomes a democratic space where diversity in all its forms is welcome. It is very nice that you highlighted how MP is transformative. It transforms the teacher, the students and in general the classroom space. I hope you can post your image later. Thank you!


      Hope you can see it now with this link!

  28. Jhan Quintero.


    1. Hello Jhan,
      this is a very thoughtful explanation of the image you picked and it does represent very well many of the features of multimodal pedagogies. It enjoyed your explanation because it is very clear and you explain the elements of the image little by little. For example, the way you explain the background colors makes a lot of sense. Yes!! colors speak about diversity. Yes, every class brings unique experiences to teachers and students, or at least it should achieve that overcoming monotony. I am with you when you say that teachers need to prepare for diversity. Really, many times teacher are not ready for the sort of diversities that will find in their classrooms. I was thinking to myself when I saw the teacher right in the middle of the classroom, "isn't this a traditional representation of the teacher?", but then you explain that as a mediator he or she is in the middle and that makes a lot of sense. Finally, lovely that you say that in MP students also have a say in shaping and reshaping the pedagogical space. Excellent post!

    2. Hello, teacher.
      I really appreciate that this is the first time that my post is discussed with the class, and I want to say that I designed it because I didn’t find an image with all the things that came to my mind when I read the texts. When I was creating it I had the same problem because I didn't want people to think that the teacher is the only important person in the classroom, but for me, it was important to be in the center as a mediator, as the link between the diversity in the classroom.

  29. Jhan Quintero.

    Hello, Juan. I think that you did a great design that goes with your explanation really well. I would say that at the beginning the image surprise me because I and other partners had a different focus and express the ideas from the texts in other ways. But the focus that you explore the most is also very important since culture change every day and the intercultural encounters are different because of the new technologies. In my case, I forgot to include information on this topic, so it was a good reminder for me.


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